Friday, April 10, 2009

Depths of Deception

Greetings Bloggers

I have been just stepping back and trying to get a grasp
on how long the ignorance and fear can work in the
banksters favor. Courage today seems to merely be
a word in a dictionary. Where is "Valor" what has
become of the brave men and women who use to
ask the right questions?

Truth it is easier to believe a lie then accept what
is really going on which is foreign = ALIEN to
what everyone imangines as truth.

The trick has been for centuries to convince the
people/slaves that they are free. Both black and white
ALL people who are not in the "Inner Realm" of
"The Family" are part of the peonage.

There are so many Tornados of real truths and the same
amount of Lies being thrown around it easy to understand why
all Joe wants is his 6 pack an a 50 inch TV. You never know what
kind of drama they will draw up next.

Most importantly they have conditioned you to want to shut it out (Truth)
as it overwhelmes most to undertake the intense study to lift the veil
of deception we all were born into with out out Truth manual to sort
out the bullshitters.

There is a blogger named Hypertiger and I can not
recommend that you read his blogspot enough because
there are YEARS and so much research has been posted there
that you could get a serious wake up call after a few mins about much.

As for the "Jig" they keep the music going for I think the strings
on the instruments are about to snap and the will be NO MORE

Thanks to the Light and Swords of Truth the proper burial of all
bloodlines involved will be removed from earth and jettisoned back to where
they came from YE HAW...time for a New day !!!

Truth it is marvelous fact !!!

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