Friday, February 1, 2008

Realization Will the Meltdown happen?

Hi Bloggers

Thought I would try to sum up how I feel about
what I see going on all around me. The truth is
I can't understand why more people are not making
the connection in relation to why no matter how hard
they keep working and even if they are earning 13-15
an hour they still only seem to end up having just enough
to make the electric bill phone bill and fill the car up..

Everytime I got a job where I was making a bit more then before
it never got me any better off. I mean I was not over spending
or doing anything other then just paying the main bills. This was
back in 2004-2005. When I look at the stock market and I see it go up I wonder where are these dumb asses coming from why does ANYONE
TRUST Wall Street?

How will this all end when will the average woman or man understand that this current wicked creation has stolen from them and all their families all the work that went in to trying to hold on to a
certain thing called the "American Dream". I hate to say this but
its no dream it is a nightmare.

I told Mr.Rockefeller once on the phone "Your New World Order" will NEVER work.I think I am right all that has to happen is a million people a day open their eyes and find out about the lies in the banking agreements they have been tricked in to signing and START
standing up and say NO WAY NOT ANY MORE...

One day at a time and I know more will as the house of glass begins to shatter...
