Monday, October 13, 2008

When You know too much

Today and the last few weeks have been extremely hard.
In light of all the Kaos surrounding the finacial realm we
little ones should be able to rejoice shortly as the dark over
lords implode on their own self inflicted greed.

This is the one hope that I hold in my heart.
That the illusion of "digits" = "credit" also known
as "money" evaporates in to the thin air it was created from.

" NEW WORLD ORDER " and this term has just been mentioned
on two different NBC shows tonight "Heroes" and "My own worst Enemy"
I heard this term when I was 18 and I began to read about the real truth behind
the boring lies I was forced to learn in school.

If enough people were to know what I know and the others I have learned
from we actually do have a chance to regain the Light power back from the dark
ones who have stripped away Truth and Light from Earth.

But the truth about what is REALLY going on does carry a heavy price.
This information can make you stay awake and not be able to sleep.
It can cause serious depression at first because it is so alarming at how far
they have gone to establish this slave system and how close they are if people

I sit here each day and night wondering if "They" will succeed or
the little people will decide to make use of the recently built prisons and
herd the greedy lawless thugs = bankers = lawyers(there are a few honest ones tho)
cops (hmm debateable) and most all "Poli"(means many in Greek) "tics" (the blood sucking type)ions hell a few squished bugs on the windsheild never felt so good.

Looking up to the Light for the righting of the wrongs that have needed to
be corrected for waaay to long. Lets Roll !!!

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