Thursday, December 29, 2011


Here is a refresher look at a large government fund ("1" fund)

The Pie Chart shown is an interactive listing of the different categories of the investments held. What is shown is noted in "thousands" so add three zeros at the end of each number.

What will amaze you is when you go down the listings of "domestic" and "global" investments listed both in equities; mortgages; bonds; and real-estate ventures.

Keep in mind this is just "one" government fund (a large one) out of tens of thousands of local and federal investment funds large and small.

With that in mind, then think of the collective ownership from all local and federal investment accounts. The private sectors ownership in comparison is insignificant at this point.

Clint Richardson from Utah took the time in one of his recent videos entitled: The Great Pension Fund Hoax (very long), to systematical go through a grouping of one large fund after another just targeting two companies to determine the "collective" ownership by just the showing of those few large funds looked at. One of the two was Apple Inc. From the showing of just a few large government funds the 50% ownership mark was breached rather quickly.

It really does not take to much cognitive thinking to then think of the collective many "other" government funds to establish almost absolute ownership of the same.

The population is constantly soundbite distracted never to look at the basics of collective ownership by government and additionally government has many symbiotic relationships with the media and education who are in full cooperation to never mention the same due to the money and control that those collective government investment ownership wield.

The biggest "fill in the blank" confirmation that is learned when the population looks and then comprehends government collective ownership "globally" is that the United States of America's political structure and thus United States Government (local and federal) has developed into a well organized corporate communist entity with a rather hostile fascist twist exercised and maintained through the courts and local / federal government statutory creation and control.

TREASON: "Treason doth never prosper; what's the reason? For if it prosper, none dare call it treason." Sir John Harrington, 1561-1612

Separation of fictional TV entertainment combined with masterful selective presentation by the syndicated news media / organized education, or hard cold reality of the "facts"that have always been there but an intentional void was created due to the money and control involved is the choice every one needs to choose between to determine the inevitable outcome of their lives. In end result the choice boils down to "Masterfully entertained" or becoming an educated "Effective activist".

The World is ours but only if we make it so. And always remember: "If you are effective it is your own damn fault"

Sent FYI and truly yours,

Walter Burien -
P. O. Box 2112
Saint Johns, AZ 85936

Tel. (928) 458-5854

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